Download Terraria APK - Thebookofsarah - Today I'll Review the latest popular android game on play store. Just call it Terraria, this game is arcade and action game genre, since launching on 13th september this game has been intslled by 100,000 - 500,000 android user and have 4.1 rating stars from 6469 reviewers, this value is not bad for new apps in play store.
This game is developed by 505 Games Srl and you can download Terraria APK free from play store. Terraria is a popular indie RPG (think 2D Minecraft with more focus on adventure). While some similarities can be made between it and Minecraft, the former has more structure than the latter. Minecraft is more based on exploration and creation, whereas Terraria has a focus on combat. It has a structured progression system where players can craft weapons and armour with enchantments, and use them against the big boss fights.
The Android version comes with a couple exclusive features, albeit small ones. Players can find an Android pet to accompany them on adventures. Google Play also offers both leaderboards and Achievements. The game also offers a free trial so you can mess with it a bit before forking over your five bucks.
The Android version of the sandbox adventure game includes an android robot character for players to find and team up with as well as Facebook-integrated Game Services leaderboards and achievements.
Wanna play this game? simple just follow the download link on the end of this articles, thanks for your visits, and please share this article to support this blog ^^
Download terraria from play store [here]
Download Terraria APK File here [Via Ziooyshare]